Installing Hercules Studio under Ubuntu

Installing Hercules Studio from the command line

Hercules Studio can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get install herculesstudio

Installing the development flavor of Hercules Studio

If you would like to install the latest Hercules Studio from the development branch, use the following 3 commands instead of the one above:
note: you have to remove the package installed by one of the other procedures before installing the development branch.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jacob-mvsdasd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hercstudio



Ubuntu beginners guide

If you are unfamiliar with installing and managing linux software, take these steps, which will leave you with a working Hercules Studio (and Hercules) on Ubuntu Linux.

1. You must first, of course, install Ubuntu. The easieast way is to:

  a. Download the ISO (cd image) from the Ubuntu download site.
  b. Burn the image and install Ubuntu. You can install it side-by-side with your existing Windows.

2. Once logged in, select Activities->Applications->Ubuntu Software Center

Add/Remove Software

3. Type "hercules studio"

Add/Remove Software

4. Select the software and press "Install"

find it

The package manager will download and install all that is needed to run Hercules Studio (including Hercules !), and you will be presented with this screen:


From now on you can run Hercules Studio by selecting Activities->Applications->Hercules Studio.


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